Recette Délicieux Muffins Vegan banane chocolat

Muffins Vegan banane chocolat. Rich and flavorful vegan banana chocolate chip muffins. Banana bread is one of my favorite things and having them in muffin form, with chocolate chips is a very fine idea. Chocolate banana muffins are a versatile treat.

Muffins Vegan banane chocolat Moist banana chocolate chip muffins with simple ingredients. The recipe is vegan, gluten-free & easy to make. Moist and delicious banana chocolate chip muffins with simple ingredients. Copain pourrait préparer Muffins Vegan banane chocolat juste en utilisant 8 matériaux et 5 juste des étapes. Voici les ingrédients et comment faire, faire Muffins Vegan banane chocolat Allons-y!

Ingrédients Muffins Vegan banane chocolat

  1. Besoin 2 of bananes.
  2. Utiliser 240 g of farine.
  3. Préparer 200 g of sucre.
  4. Utiliser 1 cc of levure.
  5. Utiliser 1 cc of bicarbonate de soude.
  6. Préparer 200 mL of lait de coco.
  7. Obligatoire 100 mL of d'huile de colza.
  8. Obligatoire 100 g of pépites de chocolat.

These vegan banana chocolate chip muffins are fluffy, moist, so easy to make and taste amazing. Perfect for healthy snacking and Who doesn't like a little chocolate in their banana muffins! This easy recipe is based on my Vegan Banana Bread. Mettez un pouce bleu si vous voulez plus de recettes !!! ▲ ▲ Toutes les informations sur cette vidéo sont ici ▲ ▲ DANS CETTE RECETTE.

Étapes faire Muffins Vegan banane chocolat

  1. Préchauffer le fournisseur a 180°.
  2. Mélanger farine, sucre, pépites de chocolat, levure, bicarbonate.
  3. Ajouter les bananes écrasées, le lait de coco, l'huile.
  4. Verser dans des moules à muffin.
  5. Enfourner pendant 15 minutes.

Say gooooood morning to Vegan Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. How's that for a little Monday morning magic? Before this recipe for vegan banana chocolate chip muffins, I hadn't really played around with vegan baking much. This tasty banana chocolate chip muffin recipe is so easy and delicious. No egg, no dairy. this is a great recipe for anyone following a plant based.

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